Los Angeles Pride Festival - Valentina Ignacia - Miss Trans Star Chile 2020
El 27 de diciembre del 2019 comenzó a regir en Chile la aprobada Ley de identidad de género, que consiste en modificar nuestra partida de nacimiento, con un nuevo nombre y el "sexo" el cual te identificas.
Sólo podemos realizarlo mayores de 18 años y niños de 14 años, éstos últimos con autorización de sus padres . Aun no hay leyes que penalicen la transfobia ni menos seguros médicos o inserción laboral aun ni hablar.
Todo es reciente y en mi opinión, acabamos de comenzar a visibilizar la comunidad trans, asi también toda la comunidad lgbtiq+. Queda mucho por lograr.
On December 27, 2019, the approved Gender Identity Law began to take effect in Chile, which consists of modifying our birth certificate, with a new name and the "sex" which you identify yourself with. We can only do it over 18 years of age and children of 14 years, the latter with permission from their parents. There are still no laws that criminalize transphobia, or even less health insurance or job placement, not even talking. Everything is recent and in my opinion, we have just started to make the trans community visible, as well as the entire LGBTQ + community. Much remains to be achieved.

Puede decirnos cuándo comenzó su carrera como modelo?
- Sólo llevo dos años.
Cómo fue tu primera sesión de fotos?
- Fué hace 4 años, estudiaba publicidad, y una compañera que era fotógrafa me pidió que posara para ella, eran fotografías en estudio.
Cuál fue la sensación de estar frente a la cámara?
- Fue todo muy entretenido, primero estaba un poco tímida y no sabía cuales eran mis mejores perfiles, luego me relajé, di muy buenos ángulos y salieron geniales las fotografías.
Hablemos de los derechos Trans en Chile. ¿Puedes contarnos más sobre la situación LGBT allí?
- El 27 de diciembre del 2019 comenzó a regir en Chile la aprobada Ley de identidad de género, que consiste en modificar nuestra partida de nacimiento, con un nuevo nombre y el "sexo" el cual te identificas.
Sólo podemos realizarlo mayores de 18 años y niños de 14 años, éstos últimos con autorización de sus padres . Aun no hay leyes que penalicen la transfobia ni menos seguros médicos o inserción laboral aun ni hablar.
Todo es reciente y en mi opinión, acabamos de comenzar a visibilizar la comunidad trans, asi también toda la comunidad lgbtiq+. Queda mucho por lograr.
Has hecho algunas fotos y las publicas en tu cuenta de Instagram, NO MÁS TRANSFOBIA. Estabas en topless. ¿Puedes contarnos más sobre ese acto?
Si, fué una protesta en las afueras de un local nocturno, de mi ciudad de origen, Concepción. Éste local había demostrado muchos actos de discriminación en contra de distintas personas trans que fueron alguna vez a dicho local.
Y en un acto político, un grupo de personas decidimos realizar ésta protesta. Visibilizando una vez mas nuestros cuerpos trans y nuestro malestar en contra de los administradores y dueños del lugar.

Cuándo te convertiste en activista trans?
El año 2017, luego de estar transitando, estaba comenzando mi terapia de reemplazo hormonal, y una chica cis dirigenta feminista de un partido político de mi país, me invitó a participar en reuniones y congresos políticos.
Fué cuando sentí que era mi deber, luchar por nuestros derechos.
Tienes un hijo, por lo que pudimos ver en las fotos. ¿Puedes contarnos más sobre la paternidad?
Si, su nombre es Tomás, tiene 8 años, nació cuando yo tenía 17 años, aun no transitaba de género. Realmente mi paternidad a sido lo mas importante y a la vez complejo que me a tocado vivir. Es muy difícil ser padre y a la vez adolescente, pero creo que el tiempo me fué dando la experiencia. Tomás a medida que pasa el tiempo, me va mostrando cual es el camino correcto, es un constante aprendizaje, pero lleno de amor, respeto y empatía. El tenía 4 años cuando comencé a transitar de género. Como todo niño tenía y tiene muchas preguntas, pero siempre me juré a mi misma responder sus dudas con la verdad. Hoy en día veo en el un futuro enriquecedor, lleno de diversidad y respeto. Me llena de orgullo en la persona que se está convirtiendo. Estoy totalmente enamorada de mi pequeño bebe.
Miss Trans Chile. Cómo funciona, cómo llegaste allí, cuéntanos más sobre toda la competencia.
Miss Trans star Chile, es un certámen a nivel internacional que busca visibilizar la belleza y activismo de la mujer Trans. Es una competencia en donde hay cerca de 45 a 50 países concursando. Mi país Chile, lleva sólo algunos años participando, a diferencia de otros paises es un certámen no tan visible pero no por eso menos importante. Llegué por internet hace unos años, la verdad no estaba tan segura de participar. Tenía muchas inseguridades, hasta que mi pareja me empoderó y me dió por ganadora. Lo escuché, me convenció y participé. Y no sólo eso, gané el primer lugar.
Cuál fue la sensación de ser una Miss Trans Chile 2020 y qué cantidad de obligaciones tienes ahora?
A sido sin duda uno de los logros mas importantes de mi vida. A nivel personal, me quitó muchas inseguridades que tenía de mi misma, así también asimilé que era una tremenda responsabilidad el ser la representante de todo un país, me llena de ansiedad, pero estoy trabajando duro para poder entregar el mensaje correcto y traer nuevamente la corona internacional a Chile. Obligaciones son bastantes, entrevistas, conversatorios, y con la organización estámos gestionando muchas acciones sociales que queremos concretar antes de arribar a barcelona. Tenemos mucho trabajo para éste 2020.

Tus objetivos para el futuro?
En lo profesional muchos, me transformé en una persona muy ambiciosa, actualmente soy estilista y makeup artist, siempre estoy en constante estudio y haciendo diversos cursos de prefeccionamiento. Mi objetivo principal es ser reconocida en ésta área, trabajar en muchos lugares, para seguir aprendiendo y perfeccionándome. Así también complementarlo con mi carrera de modelaje, salir en algunas portadas o producciones. Viajar lo más que pueda por el mundo, conocer culturas nuevas. Crear mi propia marca, tener otro hijo (adoptar). Entre otros.
Puedes dar un consejo a todas las personas Trans que viven con miedo o que no tienen la seguridad de ser quienes son?
La verdad los hará libres, sólo la verdad les dirá quienes son y como enfrentar sus miedos. De lo demas el tiempo se encargará.
Algún mensaje específico en general?
A la comunidad lgbtiq+ mundial, quiero decirles que somos la real resistencia. Nuestro deber en éste planeta es mostrarle a las personas que todos somos distintos unos de otros, nadie es igual a ti. Que el amor y la libertad está en la diversidad, y ésta es infinita no tiene límites. Es el valor mas rico del ser humano, la diversidad. Amor respeto y resistencia para todos.

Can you tell us when you started your modeling career?
- I've only been for two years.
How was your first photoshoot?
It was 4 years ago, I was studying advertising, and a colleague who was a photographer asked me to pose for her, they were studio photographs.
What was the feeling of being in front of the camera?
It was all very entertaining, first I was a little shy and I didn't know what my best profiles were, then I relaxed, I gave very good angles and the photographs came out great.
Let's talk about Trans rights in Chile. Can you tell us more about the LGBT situation there?
On December 27, 2019, the approved Gender Identity Law began to take effect in Chile, which consists of modifying our birth certificate, with a new name and the "sex" which you identify yourself with. We can only do it over 18 years of age and children of 14 years, the latter with permission from their parents. There are still no laws that criminalize transphobia, or even less health insurance or job placement, not even talking. Everything is recent and in my opinion, we have just started to make the trans community visible, as well as the entire LGBTQ + community. Much remains to be achieved.
You have taken some photos and publish them on your Instagram account, NO MORE TRANSFOBIA. You were topless. Can you tell us more about that act?
Yes, it was a protest outside a nightclub, from my hometown, Concepción. This place had demonstrated many acts of discrimination against different trans people who had ever been to that place. And in a political act, a group of people decided to carry out this protest. Once again making our trans bodies and our discomfort against the administrators and owners of the place visible.
- I've only been for two years.
How was your first photoshoot?
It was 4 years ago, I was studying advertising, and a colleague who was a photographer asked me to pose for her, they were studio photographs.
What was the feeling of being in front of the camera?
It was all very entertaining, first I was a little shy and I didn't know what my best profiles were, then I relaxed, I gave very good angles and the photographs came out great.
Let's talk about Trans rights in Chile. Can you tell us more about the LGBT situation there?
On December 27, 2019, the approved Gender Identity Law began to take effect in Chile, which consists of modifying our birth certificate, with a new name and the "sex" which you identify yourself with. We can only do it over 18 years of age and children of 14 years, the latter with permission from their parents. There are still no laws that criminalize transphobia, or even less health insurance or job placement, not even talking. Everything is recent and in my opinion, we have just started to make the trans community visible, as well as the entire LGBTQ + community. Much remains to be achieved.
You have taken some photos and publish them on your Instagram account, NO MORE TRANSFOBIA. You were topless. Can you tell us more about that act?
Yes, it was a protest outside a nightclub, from my hometown, Concepción. This place had demonstrated many acts of discrimination against different trans people who had ever been to that place. And in a political act, a group of people decided to carry out this protest. Once again making our trans bodies and our discomfort against the administrators and owners of the place visible.

When did you become a trans activist?
In 2017, after being in transit, I was starting my hormone replacement therapy, and a cis feminist leader girl from a political party in my country invited me to participate in political meetings and congresses. It was when I felt it was my duty to fight for our rights.
You have a son, from what we could see in the photos. Can you tell us more about parenting?
Yes, his name is Tomás, he is 8 years old, he was born when I was 17 years old, he still has no gender. Really my paternity has been the most important and at the same time complex that I have had to live. It is very difficult to be a father and at the same time an adolescent, but I think that time gave me the experience. Tomás, as time goes by, shows me which is the right path, it is constant learning, but full of love, respect, and empathy. He was 4 years old when I started transiting gender. As every child had and has many questions, but I always swore to myself that I would answer his questions with the truth. Today I see an enriching future, full of diversity and respect. It fills me with pride in the person who is becoming. I am totally in love with my little baby.
Miss Trans Chile. How it works, how you got there, tell us more about all the competition.
Miss Trans star Chile, is an international contest that seeks to make visible the beauty and activism of Trans women. It is a competition where there are about 45 to 50 countries competing. My country Chile has only been participating for a few years, unlike other countries, it is a not so visible event but not for that less important. I came online a few years ago, the is that I was not so sure that I will participate. I had many insecurities until my partner empowered me and gave me as the winner. I listened to him, he convinced me and I participated. And not only that, I won first place.
What was the feeling of being a Miss Trans Chile 2020 and how many obligations do you have now?
It has been without a doubt one of the most important achievements of my life. On a personal level, it took away many insecurities that I had about myself, so I also assimilated that it was a tremendous responsibility to be the representative of an entire country, it fills me with anxiety, but I am working hard to be able to deliver the correct message and bring back the international crown to Chile. Obligations are quite a few, interviews, conversations, and with the organization, we are managing many social actions that we want to carry out before arriving in Barcelona. We have a lot of work for this 2020.
In 2017, after being in transit, I was starting my hormone replacement therapy, and a cis feminist leader girl from a political party in my country invited me to participate in political meetings and congresses. It was when I felt it was my duty to fight for our rights.
You have a son, from what we could see in the photos. Can you tell us more about parenting?
Yes, his name is Tomás, he is 8 years old, he was born when I was 17 years old, he still has no gender. Really my paternity has been the most important and at the same time complex that I have had to live. It is very difficult to be a father and at the same time an adolescent, but I think that time gave me the experience. Tomás, as time goes by, shows me which is the right path, it is constant learning, but full of love, respect, and empathy. He was 4 years old when I started transiting gender. As every child had and has many questions, but I always swore to myself that I would answer his questions with the truth. Today I see an enriching future, full of diversity and respect. It fills me with pride in the person who is becoming. I am totally in love with my little baby.
Miss Trans Chile. How it works, how you got there, tell us more about all the competition.
Miss Trans star Chile, is an international contest that seeks to make visible the beauty and activism of Trans women. It is a competition where there are about 45 to 50 countries competing. My country Chile has only been participating for a few years, unlike other countries, it is a not so visible event but not for that less important. I came online a few years ago, the is that I was not so sure that I will participate. I had many insecurities until my partner empowered me and gave me as the winner. I listened to him, he convinced me and I participated. And not only that, I won first place.
What was the feeling of being a Miss Trans Chile 2020 and how many obligations do you have now?
It has been without a doubt one of the most important achievements of my life. On a personal level, it took away many insecurities that I had about myself, so I also assimilated that it was a tremendous responsibility to be the representative of an entire country, it fills me with anxiety, but I am working hard to be able to deliver the correct message and bring back the international crown to Chile. Obligations are quite a few, interviews, conversations, and with the organization, we are managing many social actions that we want to carry out before arriving in Barcelona. We have a lot of work for this 2020.

Your goals for the future?
Professionally many, I became a very ambitious person, currently, I am a stylist and makeup artist, I am always in constant study and doing various refresher courses. My main objective is to be recognized in this area, to work in many places, to continue learning and improving myself. So also complement it with my modeling career, appear on some covers or productions. Travel as much as possible around the world, discover new cultures. Create my own brand, have another child (adopt). Among others.
Can you give a tip to all Trans people who live in fear or who are not sure who they are?
The truth will set you free, only the truth will tell you who you are and how to face your fears. The rest will take care of the rest.
Any specific message in general?
To the LGBTQIA + world community, I want to say that we are the real resistance. Our duty on this planet is to show people that we are all different from each other, no one is the same as you. Love and freedom are in diversity, infinite has no limits. It is the richest value of the human being, diversity. Love, respect, and resistance for all.
Professionally many, I became a very ambitious person, currently, I am a stylist and makeup artist, I am always in constant study and doing various refresher courses. My main objective is to be recognized in this area, to work in many places, to continue learning and improving myself. So also complement it with my modeling career, appear on some covers or productions. Travel as much as possible around the world, discover new cultures. Create my own brand, have another child (adopt). Among others.
Can you give a tip to all Trans people who live in fear or who are not sure who they are?
The truth will set you free, only the truth will tell you who you are and how to face your fears. The rest will take care of the rest.
Any specific message in general?
To the LGBTQIA + world community, I want to say that we are the real resistance. Our duty on this planet is to show people that we are all different from each other, no one is the same as you. Love and freedom are in diversity, infinite has no limits. It is the richest value of the human being, diversity. Love, respect, and resistance for all.

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