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Phoebe - see the beauty in each other

Every body is beautiful. Take a good look find something you think is beautiful about yourself embrace what makes you different. Don't listen to negative people a lot of times negativity comes from jealousy or ignorance. Again reach out to other females see the beauty in each other. Make one friend practice building eachother up finding the beauty in each other and point it out. You'd be surprised how finding the beauty in others that arent "cookie cutter perfect" will make you feel better about you. Everyone sees beauty differently.


Growing up I wanted to be an EMT, not a doctor or anything fancy. I wanted to be the first one there to take care of people and the families. I always felt I had a gift for being able to keep people calm and make them feel better while handling emergency situations. I kept cool never freaked out until it was over. Was in HOSA in high school CNA at 18 years old. In the HOSA program instead of being at school we worked in rotation different areas of the hospital 3 hours a day one semester and in a nursing home the other semester. I held the hand of a guy as he died after a motorcycle accident and knew my heart couldn't take it after all.  I ended uo in cosmetology school.


Any idols during the teenage period?
My idols always seemed to be real people around me rather than public figures. My 10th grade english teacher touched my in a way I have always rememberd. I wanted to be the kind of lady she was. She was beautiful and the boys always gave her a hard time and I could tell it bothered her but she handled it beautifully. She took a liking to me and was my biggest supporter next to my Dad

When did you start with modeling? Can you recall your first photo session?
Just a couple of years ago by accident. I was styling hair for a model at a shoot in San Diego and the photographer wanted to shoot me. I was a bit embarrassed but let him take a few shots both my model and I ended up in a hair magazine. It had my name and that I lived in Austin. A local photographer contacted me I shot with him never told him it was my first shoot. We posted some photos and I quickly became busy and fell in love with it

Most interesting photo session so far ?
Hmmm.. I did a old Hollywood glamour shoot out put on my Nino Batista and Allen Baytes for Gladys magazine and it was magical. I got to shoot as Audrey Hepburn and never felt more at home with myself. Met the most amazing group of models, photographers, HMUAS. They all knew eachother and worked together often in Houston. Allen Baytes found me and invited me into this. Took a chance on me become he had a feeling about me. I love him for that everyone from that group wasa family and I was added to the family that day.

When did you realize that implied nude / art nude photos will be your next step like a model ?
Shawn Smith got me out of my box in one shoot changed my way of shooting, dropped my inhibitions, changed the way I looked at modeling and shooting in one shoot and didn't even know he was doing it. It was a Halloween shoot. The shoot that changed me.

Who is in charge when it comes to posing during the photo session - you, photographer or both of you are involved in process of creation ?
Im a pretty natural poser I don't need much direction I think my dance background helps. I get in my zone and just go. However I think communication is key to a good shoot and I'm always up for pointers from seasoned photographers and always take heart what their vision for the shoot is. At the end I always ask if they're happy with what they got and if there's anything specific they need.

Favorite lingerie during the photo session ?
Im a classic kind of girl. Bra and panty sets with great heels. Lots of black or red.

Can you explain to our reader's nude art from your point of view?
My opinion. When i think of nude art bodyscapes are the first thing to pop into my head. Beautiful lighting designed to accentuate curves and shapes. Showing all body types in a beautiful, creative, sensual way. I think of lighting and shadows. Its not about hey here's a naked girl but the body shown in a beautiful way that's not sexual but beautiful and sensual in a completely different way. I love this kind of thing

There is still some kid of stigma when it comes to nude art.. Why is that, what do you think?
Some people cant get past the fact the person is naked. By doing that they don't take the time to see the artistic beauty or creativity. All they see is someones naked even though theres such an amazing difference between nude, implied, and artistic nude. There are so many shots of girls dressed that are more sexual than a well done artistic nude

What was the reaction from your friends when you published first nude photos ?
Surprisingly supportive. I was nervous. I'm my biggest critic. If it's done right people don't seem to mind. I caught more flack for shots in lingerie and even swimsuits than my nude/ implied. I'm careful who i shoot this with and always keep it as classy and or artistic as possible my motive is beauty rather than sexy. I don't want to be offensive or come of tacky. I'm very careful

What would be your advice to young girls who would like to start modeling career?
Be careful. Keep your clothes on until you've been doing it awhile and have already made a name for yourself and know lots of people in the industry around you. Do your homework get to know your photographers. Know your worth. Create boundries communicate your boundaries before hand and stick to them. Be careful most are good but there are creeps out there. Know that there will alwaysbe more photographers to work with. If someone pressures you to go further than your comfortable with they aren't the one for you. Don't sign anything without reading it, you can always show up with your own contract that protects you. Get to know other models. Support eachother, learn from each other. Ask questions. COMMUNICATION is key.

Can you give an advice, to people in general, how not to be ashamed of their body ? We have published curvy and plus size bikini & nude models, they have had a big problems with their confidence before they started do modeling.
Every body is beautiful. Take a good look find something you think is beautiful about yourself embrace what makes you different. Don't listen to negative people a lot of times negativity comes from jealousy or ignorance. Again reach out to other females see the beauty in each other. Make one friend practice building eachother up finding the beauty in each other and point it out. You'd be surprised how finding the beauty in others that arent "cookie cutter perfect" will make you feel better about you. Everyone sees beauty differently

What kind of art, in general, do you like?
All kinds, music, dance, photos that make you wish you were the model in that picture, anything creative


Any hobbies
So many.. Still a science nerd. I love rocks and exploring. Fishing. Anything outside. Anything with my 3 year old. Learning new things. Getting lost. People watching. Doing hair, bartending, cooking. I've been thinking about taking up photography and getting on the other side of the camera

Plans for the rest of 2017
Gee. Been so busy I don't know lol. I'm just in my groove doing my thing I guess I'll just continue that. I'm actually genuinly happy. Enjoying my little guy being 3 and love my time with him

Social media where people can see your work
Facebook : Phoebe Heath
Instagram and snapchat : @jaye.txmodel