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Christin - Live and let live

Hi my dear, my name is Christin, also called lion's head ...

Als Fotomodel stehe ich jetzt schon seit ca. 7 Jahren  vor der Kamera und es wird nie langweilig im Gegenteil, man lernt ständig neue Leute kennen und kann verschiedene Projekte gemeinsam umsetzen.

Make-up & Hairstyles mach ich größtenteils selbst.

Bei manchen Jobs kann man sich einfach zurücklehnen und wird geschminkt,  dennoch nehme ich es auch gerne selbst in die Hand , besonders wenn es um meinen Wuschelkopf geht :D

Bisher habe ich mit ganz tollen Fotografen /Models/VISA’s Zusammenarbeiten dürfen und jedes Shooting hatte seinen Reiz von Dessous bis sexy- sportlich... lustig oder sinnliche!

Anbei ganz liebe Grüße an alle mit denen ich bisher Zusammenarbeiten durfte!

Ohne euch wäre das alles hier nicht möglich. Danke!!!

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Liberty - Rising Star

In the next few weeks I will be a catwalk model for Birmingham Fashion Festival and currently, I am a semi-finalist for Miss Midlands UK 2018.

If you asked me 3 months ago to participate within these events I most definitely would of said no. It has shown me how modelling can increase self-confidence and can teach you to love yourself for you!

These two amazing opportunities made me realize how lucky I am and how far I have come in the last few months.

I am extremely excited and still ridiculous overwhelmed by both opportunities.

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Megan - Becoming a model and being a role model

My confidence in myself and in photographers is building each day.

My eye/mind for recognizing talent, beauty, and art is broadening and the support from friends, family and from other models has been amazing!

We even have our own local model group chat where we can recommend photographers, ideas, and locations to each other.

It’s an industry that I didn’t expect so much support from as people are very quick to judge but I have gained more than ever and for that I am thankful. 

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Jackée Montel - start being that beautiful person that you are

I would tell young girls to stay true to themselves. Be positive and keep on going. Because you only get what you put in so go big and keep chasing cause eventually, you’ll catch it! Always love yourself and never let no one tell you that you can’t do it! Because you can!

Jcole said it best “ no such things as a life that’s better than yours, love yours” I truly believe whatever size or shape you are OWN IT! Self-love is the best love. Let your insecurities go and start being that beautiful person that you are. This is your life live it freely without being ashamed because you are beautiful.

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Courtney Paige - Artsy and Eclectic

I do all kinds of art. Acrylic painting, oil painting, watercolor painting, welding, ceramics, woodworking, oil pastels, paper sculptures, scale projects, modeling, poetry, children's illustration, glass blowing, jewelry making..... You name it I probably know how to do it. 
I am working towards publishing a children's illustration book by December.
Right now I am competing to be the cover model for Inked Magazine.