Yamila Reyes - la vida es una y tienes que hacer lo que te gusta / life is one and you have to do what you like
Mi nombre es Dahiana Duarte. Tengo 19 años y amo todo lo que va con el modelaje.
My name is Dahiana Duarte. I am 19 years old and I love everything that goes with modeling.
I still have my moments of self-consciousness, its only normal. My best advice is to pretend you are a character, wear a wig, change your makeup, etc… Creating a fantasy persona is key to coming out of your shell. There is something magical about dressing in gorgeous lingerie, sky high heels, and dramatic makeup, and a stunning wig that take you into a fantasy world that makes you feel like a goddess. Your confidence will be elevated and this will come across in your photos. Practice posing in front of a mirror to get your angles right and understand what poses flatter your figure the most. Confidence will come as you do it more and more. But remember to go only as far as you are comfortable with. Boudoir can still be very sexy even without showing lots of skin or overly provocative poses. It’s all in the attitude. Only pose how you like.
Ich fühle mich sehr wohl auf meinen Bildern und für mich ist es ein Ausdruck von Kunst und Schönheit. Wichtig ist in meinen Augen immer, dass man sich nicht verstellt. Es muss authentisch sein, denn sonst spiegelt man keine Losgelassenheit in den Bildern wieder, was sehr wichtig ist und die Bilder erst ausdrucksstark macht. Was andere Leute über mich sagen ist mir egal. Es macht keinen Unterschied, ob man sich nackt zeigt oder nicht. Wenn die Leute schlecht über einen sprechen wollen, so tun sie es sowieso.
I feel very comfortable in my pictures and for me it is an expression of art and beauty. In my opinion, it is always important not to pretend. It has to be authentic, because otherwise you will not show any slackness in the pictures, which is very important and only makes the pictures expressive. I don't care what other people say about me. It makes no difference whether you show yourself naked or not. If people want to talk bad about you, they will anyway.