Chiara - sensazionale nuovo modello dall'Italia / sensational new model from Italy
Esprimere la mia femminilità, il mio essere donna e la mia sensualità, mi aiuta anche nella vita fuori dal set, ho imparato a conoscermi molto di più attraverso questa esperienza e anche a conoscere belle persone!
Expressing my femininity, my being a woman and my sensuality also helps me in life off the set, I learned to know myself much more through this experience and also to meet beautiful people!
Alice - poza nud este cu adevărat o arta si trebuie promovat corect / nude modeling is truly an art and should be promoted properly
De la varsta de 7 ani mi-am dorit sa devin model, am fost foarte curioasa de lumea modei, de fetele care pozau in reviste sau pentru diversi fotografi.
Când profesoara m-a întrebat ce vreau să ma fac când o să fiu mare, am spus mereu model!
13 ani mai târziu, făceam prima ședință foto pentru un site de îmbrăcăminte, abonându-mă cu ușurință la diverse grupuri de Facebook, am văzut modele pozând nud artistic, am avut curaj și am început să pozez nud, sentimentul pe care îl am când pozez, este de nedescris. , simt că respir, trăiesc prin fotografie.
From the age of 7 I wanted to become a model, I was very curious about the fashion world, about the girls posing in magazines or for various photographers.
When the teacher asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up, I always said model!
13 years later, I was doing my first photo shoot for a clothing site, easily subscribing to various Facebook groups, I saw models posing artistic nude, I had the courage and I started posing nude, the feeling I have when I pose , is indescribable. , I feel like I'm breathing, I'm living through photography.
Tifanny - stay confident
I am 30 year old Colombian but I live in Spain, I love modelling and dancing also. Dancing helps to keep my body in shape but modelling is my passion. It makes me feel alive and when I see the finished results it makes me want to do more shoots.
I have had several shoots with different photographers but nowadays I use mainly one photographer because I love his style and he brings out the best in me. Modelling gives me so much confidence that I did not have before I started to model and has made me more contented with life.
Photographer Mike Ryan
Eva Strong - Nothing keeps me down
I’m Mistress Eva Strong.
I’m a fetish model and also a bodybuilder and fitness coach.
I’ve only in recent years started modelling, having spent 17 years working in the fitness industry and competing as a bodybuilder.
I’m fiercely competitive and it’s something that I take into my modelling and part-time work as a Dominatrix.
Yes, I kick ass like no-one else as my clients will tell you!