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  • Mei Li - Poser pour des photographes est une façon pour moi de m’épanouir et de m’accepter comme je suis / Posing for photographers is a way for me to blossom and accept myself as I am

    Mei Li - Poser pour des photographes est une façon pour moi de m’épanouir et de m’accepter comme je suis / Posing for photographers is a way for me to blossom and accept myself as I am

    Je suis Mei-Li , modèle depuis 2009 sur Bordeaux.
    Je pose pour des séances photos de nu et de lingerie, dans un cadre professionnel.
    Je dispose de tatouages qui symbolise qui je suis. Un phénix qui renaît de ses cendres, un dragon en guise de personnalité à l’esprit combatif.
    La carpe, pour l’harmonie.
    Poser pour des photographes est une façon pour moi de m’épanouir et de m’accepter comme je suis .
    Ça permet aussi de faire de merveilleuses rencontres et de partager des points de vue artistique.
    I am Mei-li, model since 2009 in Bordeaux.
    I pose for nude and lingerie photo shoots, in a professional setting.
    I have tattoos that symbolize who I am. A phoenix rising from its ashes, a dragon as a personality with a fighting spirit.
    The carp, for harmony.
    Posing for photographers is a way for me to blossom and accept myself as I am.
    It also allows you to meet wonderful people and share artistic points of view.
  • Rae - Confidence is armor. It's your bulletproof vest. Use it to protect your peace

    Rae - Confidence is armor. It's your bulletproof vest. Use it to protect your peace

    One fine day, circa 2016, we hiked out to this beautiful slot canyon in Las Vegas with a photographer we knew from St. Louis. He lived in Vegas but visited family often in STL. He knew the area we were hiking, so we stopped at a few spots we saw along the way as well. The desert landscape was so beautiful. Unlike anything I had ever seen. It feels like an alien planet. I fell in love with the desert.

    I thought to myself, "This is a once in a lifetime moment. I'll never be this young, in this beautiful location, ever again. "; and then I got naked in the middle of the desert.

    There was a couple, climbing, about 20 ft away from us. They showed up right after we had set up. We asked if they were bothered and they didn't mind so we kept working while they scaled the canyon wall.

    Our lives are fleeting and not every moment is rich with life and opportunity. It takes an open mind and a watchful eye to notice. When your intuition says, "Live and be free. Be present. Experience your humanity." It feels so euphoric to honor that feeling. Modeling helps me capture that feeling for my future self, and technology helps me share that feeling with others.

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  • Alessandra - Mi piace il mio corpo e mi sento a mio agio con le mie curve / I like my body and am comfortable with my curves

    Alessandra - Mi piace il mio corpo e mi sento a mio agio con le mie curve / I like my body and am comfortable with my curves

    Ho sempre amato Cindy Crawford sensuale e con tanta classe
    Io adoro tutta la lingerie però ho un debole per la guêpière e il reggicalze
    La sottoveste e ‘ l’intimo che indosso spesso e mi fa sentire bella e femminile

    I've always loved Cindy Crawford sensual and with so much class
    I love all lingerie but I have a soft spot for the guêpière and the garter belt
    The petticoat is the underwear I wear often and it makes me feel beautiful and feminine

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  • Nitti - Good Sense of Humor, Dirty Mind and a  beautiful Heart / Guter Sinn für Humor, schmutziger Verstand und a Schönes Herz

    Nitti - Good Sense of Humor, Dirty Mind and a beautiful Heart / Guter Sinn für Humor, schmutziger Verstand und a Schönes Herz

    Ach, da gibt es noch einige Ideen. 
    Ich hätte mal Lust auf ein Couple-
    Shooting oder auf ein Shooting im 
    Schnee und in einem Schloss. Auch mit 
    dem Bereich Fantasy liebäugle ich sehr. 
    Außerdem wäre das ein Traum für 
    mich, einmal am Meer zu shooten.  
    Und gerade Musik inspiriert mich hier sehr. 
    Dadurch kann ich meinen 
    Gedanken und Gefühlen freien 
    Lauf lassen und es entstehen öfter mal neue 
    Ideen für Tattoos und Bilder. 
    Ich will noch ganz vieles ausprobieren. 
    Also lasst euch überraschen! 
    Oh, there are still some ideas. I would like to have a couple
    Shooting or a shooting in the snow and in a castle. Also with
    I am very fond of the field of fantasy. Besides, that would be a dream come true for
    me to shoot by the sea.
    And music in particular inspires me a lot here. I can think of that
    Let thoughts and feelings run free and new ones often arise
    Ideas for tattoos and pictures.
    I still want to try a lot. So let yourself be surprised!

Stradivarius - I would love to let my body and soul discovered by you

Feels like it all started a lifetime ago and there is no before...
I was dreaming to own the "big city lights" so moved to Bucharest where I started a cam model career. 
Over the last 8 years been a Live Jasmin model, one of the Flirt4Free top models and when I had to take a break, because of some personal issues, been a trainer for new models, in different studios. And this is what I loved the most - to be able to share my experience, help them grow their confidence and step out of the comfort zone. 
The most valuable lesson to offer is that on cam or other platforms such as Only fans you can be whoever you want to, but the most important is to be who you really are!

Chiara - sensazionale nuovo modello dall'Italia / sensational new model from Italy

Esprimere la mia femminilità, il mio essere donna e la mia sensualità, mi aiuta anche nella vita fuori dal set, ho imparato a conoscermi molto di più attraverso questa esperienza e anche a conoscere belle persone!

Expressing my femininity, my being a woman and my sensuality also helps me in life off the set, I learned to know myself much more through this experience and also to meet beautiful people!

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Alice - poza nud este cu adevărat o arta si trebuie promovat corect / nude modeling is truly an art and should be promoted properly

 De la varsta de 7 ani mi-am dorit sa devin model, am fost foarte curioasa de lumea modei, de fetele care pozau in reviste sau pentru diversi fotografi.
Când profesoara m-a întrebat ce vreau să ma fac când o să fiu mare, am spus mereu model!
13 ani mai târziu, făceam prima ședință foto pentru un site de îmbrăcăminte, abonându-mă cu ușurință la diverse grupuri de Facebook, am văzut modele pozând nud artistic, am avut curaj și am început să pozez nud, sentimentul pe care îl am când pozez, este de nedescris. , simt că respir, trăiesc prin fotografie.

 From the age of 7 I wanted to become a model, I was very curious about the fashion world, about the girls posing in magazines or for various photographers.
When the teacher asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up, I always said model!
13 years later, I was doing my first photo shoot for a clothing site, easily subscribing to various Facebook groups, I saw models posing artistic nude, I had the courage and I started posing nude, the feeling I have when I pose , is indescribable. , I feel like I'm breathing, I'm living through photography.

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Tifanny - stay confident

I am 30 year old Colombian but I live in Spain, I love modelling and dancing also. Dancing helps to keep my body in shape but modelling is my passion. It makes me feel alive and when I see the finished results it makes me want to do more shoots.

I have had several shoots with different photographers but nowadays I use mainly one photographer because I love his style and he brings out the best in me. Modelling gives me so much confidence that I did not have before I started to model and has made me more contented with life.

Photographer Mike Ryan

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Eva Strong - Nothing keeps me down

I’m Mistress Eva Strong. 

I’m a fetish model and also a bodybuilder and fitness coach. 

I’ve only in recent years started modelling, having spent 17 years working in the fitness industry and competing as a bodybuilder. 

I’m fiercely competitive and it’s something that I take into my modelling and part-time work as a Dominatrix.

Yes, I kick ass like no-one else as my clients will tell you!

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