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  • Mei Li - Poser pour des photographes est une façon pour moi de m’épanouir et de m’accepter comme je suis / Posing for photographers is a way for me to blossom and accept myself as I am

    Mei Li - Poser pour des photographes est une façon pour moi de m’épanouir et de m’accepter comme je suis / Posing for photographers is a way for me to blossom and accept myself as I am

    Je suis Mei-Li , modèle depuis 2009 sur Bordeaux.
    Je pose pour des séances photos de nu et de lingerie, dans un cadre professionnel.
    Je dispose de tatouages qui symbolise qui je suis. Un phénix qui renaît de ses cendres, un dragon en guise de personnalité à l’esprit combatif.
    La carpe, pour l’harmonie.
    Poser pour des photographes est une façon pour moi de m’épanouir et de m’accepter comme je suis .
    Ça permet aussi de faire de merveilleuses rencontres et de partager des points de vue artistique.
    I am Mei-li, model since 2009 in Bordeaux.
    I pose for nude and lingerie photo shoots, in a professional setting.
    I have tattoos that symbolize who I am. A phoenix rising from its ashes, a dragon as a personality with a fighting spirit.
    The carp, for harmony.
    Posing for photographers is a way for me to blossom and accept myself as I am.
    It also allows you to meet wonderful people and share artistic points of view.
  • Rae - Confidence is armor. It's your bulletproof vest. Use it to protect your peace

    Rae - Confidence is armor. It's your bulletproof vest. Use it to protect your peace

    One fine day, circa 2016, we hiked out to this beautiful slot canyon in Las Vegas with a photographer we knew from St. Louis. He lived in Vegas but visited family often in STL. He knew the area we were hiking, so we stopped at a few spots we saw along the way as well. The desert landscape was so beautiful. Unlike anything I had ever seen. It feels like an alien planet. I fell in love with the desert.

    I thought to myself, "This is a once in a lifetime moment. I'll never be this young, in this beautiful location, ever again. "; and then I got naked in the middle of the desert.

    There was a couple, climbing, about 20 ft away from us. They showed up right after we had set up. We asked if they were bothered and they didn't mind so we kept working while they scaled the canyon wall.

    Our lives are fleeting and not every moment is rich with life and opportunity. It takes an open mind and a watchful eye to notice. When your intuition says, "Live and be free. Be present. Experience your humanity." It feels so euphoric to honor that feeling. Modeling helps me capture that feeling for my future self, and technology helps me share that feeling with others.

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  • Alessandra - Mi piace il mio corpo e mi sento a mio agio con le mie curve / I like my body and am comfortable with my curves

    Alessandra - Mi piace il mio corpo e mi sento a mio agio con le mie curve / I like my body and am comfortable with my curves

    Ho sempre amato Cindy Crawford sensuale e con tanta classe
    Io adoro tutta la lingerie però ho un debole per la guêpière e il reggicalze
    La sottoveste e ‘ l’intimo che indosso spesso e mi fa sentire bella e femminile

    I've always loved Cindy Crawford sensual and with so much class
    I love all lingerie but I have a soft spot for the guêpière and the garter belt
    The petticoat is the underwear I wear often and it makes me feel beautiful and feminine

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  • Nitti - Good Sense of Humor, Dirty Mind and a  beautiful Heart / Guter Sinn für Humor, schmutziger Verstand und a Schönes Herz

    Nitti - Good Sense of Humor, Dirty Mind and a beautiful Heart / Guter Sinn für Humor, schmutziger Verstand und a Schönes Herz

    Ach, da gibt es noch einige Ideen. 
    Ich hätte mal Lust auf ein Couple-
    Shooting oder auf ein Shooting im 
    Schnee und in einem Schloss. Auch mit 
    dem Bereich Fantasy liebäugle ich sehr. 
    Außerdem wäre das ein Traum für 
    mich, einmal am Meer zu shooten.  
    Und gerade Musik inspiriert mich hier sehr. 
    Dadurch kann ich meinen 
    Gedanken und Gefühlen freien 
    Lauf lassen und es entstehen öfter mal neue 
    Ideen für Tattoos und Bilder. 
    Ich will noch ganz vieles ausprobieren. 
    Also lasst euch überraschen! 
    Oh, there are still some ideas. I would like to have a couple
    Shooting or a shooting in the snow and in a castle. Also with
    I am very fond of the field of fantasy. Besides, that would be a dream come true for
    me to shoot by the sea.
    And music in particular inspires me a lot here. I can think of that
    Let thoughts and feelings run free and new ones often arise
    Ideas for tattoos and pictures.
    I still want to try a lot. So let yourself be surprised!

Pauline - Höre niemals auf, daran zu arbeiten, die beste Version deiner selbst zu werden! / Never stop working to become the best version of yourself!

Ich fühle mich sehr wohl auf meinen Bildern und für mich ist es ein Ausdruck von Kunst und Schönheit. Wichtig ist in meinen Augen immer, dass man sich nicht verstellt. Es muss authentisch sein, denn sonst spiegelt man keine Losgelassenheit in den Bildern wieder, was sehr wichtig ist und die Bilder erst ausdrucksstark macht. Was andere Leute über mich sagen ist mir egal. Es macht keinen Unterschied, ob man sich nackt zeigt oder nicht. Wenn die Leute schlecht über einen sprechen wollen, so tun sie es sowieso.

I feel very comfortable in my pictures and for me it is an expression of art and beauty. In my opinion, it is always important not to pretend. It has to be authentic, because otherwise you will not show any slackness in the pictures, which is very important and only makes the pictures expressive. I don't care what other people say about me. It makes no difference whether you show yourself naked or not. If people want to talk bad about you, they will anyway.

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Lou - I am proud of what I've achieved and I've worked hard to feel confident with my body

There's been a lot of changes for me over the last year with work/life balance etc, so I'm trying to get back in a good routine with my fitness and continue to push myself. I am planning on competing again next year as that's my big 50th year so I plan to give it my all and come home with some more trophies!! So focus on fitness and building will have to start around Aug/Sep and I plan to still do as much modelling as I can in between. I've worked with many talented photographers but there's still more on my radar!  I have also just recently started to Pole which I love so cannot wait to learn more dance based routines and show this off too!

I'm so thankful I did this in my life, I have met the most amazing people along the way and have the most amazing images to look back on... do it, you will have no regrets!

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Benedetta D Anna - Mi dover giocare con la macchina fotografica e di sedurla / I have to play with the camera and seduce her

Credo che chi si avvicina a questo mondo debba fare prima una analisi di se stessa . Debba accettarsi e piacersi per i propri difetti e qualità . 
Non avere paura delle critiche e solo dopo mostrarsi e tirar fuori il meglio di se . 
I believe that anyone who approaches this world must first make an analysis of themselves. He must accept and like himself for his defects and qualities.
Do not be afraid of criticism and only then show yourself and bring out the best of yourself.

Serena Balduzzi - classe Italiana / Italian class

Ci si deve accettare per quello che si è con i propri difetti e pregi.

Nessuna è perfetta e ogni donna è bella a suo modo, ed è libera di sentirsi di realizzare quello che vuole purché si senta a proprio agio con il proprio corpo.

Per quanto riguarda il "cosa dirà la gente" posso riassumere così : posso fare quasi tutto quello che voglio fare e non devo fare niente di quello che non voglio fare.

Le persone che riescono a fare quello che vogliono sono rarissime, invidiatissime e costantemente criticate.

La buona notizia è che focalizzandosi esclusivamente sul fare quello che si vuole, il rumore di fondo della gente comune svanira'come il rumore di una nave che scompare all'orizzonte.


You have to accept yourself for what you are with your defects and strengths.

No one is perfect and every woman is beautiful in her own way, and is free to feel like accomplishing what she wants as long as she feels comfortable with her body.

As for "what will people say" I can sum it up like this: I can do almost anything I want to do and I don't have to do anything I don't want to do.

People who manage to do what they want are very rare, highly envied and constantly criticized.

The good news is that by focusing solely on doing what you want, the background noise of ordinary people will fade away like the sound of a ship disappearing over the horizon.

Chiara - Scattare mi ha aiutata a conoscermi meglio / Taking photos helped me get to know myself better

Io credo che in ognuno di noi ci sia qualcosa che vorremmo cambiare, ma il nostro corpo con gli anni muta e secondo me il segreto sta proprio nell’ accettare questi cambiamenti. Il consiglio che darei è di provare senza sentirsi giudicate. Viviamo in un mondo nel quale la gente valuta più l apparenza che la sostanza della persona stessa, ma questo non dev’essere un reprimere le proprie ambizioni.

I believe that there is something in each of us that we would like to change, but our body changes over the years and in my opinion the secret lies in accepting these changes. The advice I would give is to try without feeling judged. We live in a world in which people value the appearance more than the substance of the person himself, but this must not be a repressing of their own ambitions.

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